My naked lunchbox by freelee. How to not give a fuck what others think

Posted by Freelee The Banana Girl on

Never stop climbing higher in life. Never let anyone hold you back. Not family, friends, partners, ex-partners, strangers... No one. Some people will find you too extreme, too passionate, too spicy, Some people will hate the way you think, speak, feel, look; those are not your people.

Fuck them.

Stop chasing fake acceptance and adoration from others, and proudly strut to the beat of your own drum. Have the ovaries to stand up and rebel against the system, no matter whose toes you stand on. Be bold and unapologetically you. Your tribe will answer.

Learn how to not give a fuck in my new ebook My Naked Lunchbox. Take a read and change your life forever. 

Stay free.

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