How to Download and Read eBooks
How to Buy, Download and Read the eBooks
Pre-Bundled eBook purchases are downloaded as a single ZIP file containing multiple PDF's.
Add the product to the cart, go to checkout and pay with either Shopify pay or PayPal

Make sure to enter the right email address as the download link will be sent to your email and as well being presented on the check out page after payment.
1. Press "Download Now", be patient as it downloads, keep an eye on the blue loading line.
2. Press "Open in"
3. Choose "Save to files"
4.Choose "On My iPhone"
5. Choose "Downloads"
6. Go to your home screen and open Files app
7. Press "On My iPhone"
8. Press the Zip file and it will create a folder, press the PDF and it will open the eBook.
9. if Zip "press the folder that was created"
10. Open any of the PDF eBooks.
Download procedure for single eBook on iPhone
- Click view your order in your download email or click download on the link that appears on our website once order where completed.
- Click on the download link
Choose app to open PDF eBook with
- You can use google drive, adobe reader etc.
- Let the eBook download finish and the app you choose load it.
- Enjoy!
Download procedure for single eBook on Mac, PC and Android
- Click view your order in your download email or click download on the link that appears on our website once order where completed.
- Click the download link and choose the right download location on your device
- Let the eBook download finish
- Locate the PDF file and Open the PDF eBook with
- Google drive, Adobe reader etc.
- Enjoy!
Download procedure for eBook bundles on iPhone
- Click view your order in your download email or click download on the link that appears on our website once order where completed.
- Click on the download link
- Choose Save to files and choose where to save
- Let the eBook download finish
- Then open the “files” app on your iPhone
- Go to the folder where you saved the file and click on the zip file and select preview content
- Enjoy!
Download procedure for eBook bundles on Mac and PC
- Click view your order in your download email or click download on the link that appears on our website once order where completed.
- Click the download link and choose the right download location on your device
- Let the eBook download finish
- Go to the folder where you saved the file and click on the zip file and select preview content or extract the zip file which is the eBook bundle
- Open the PDF file eBooks in a PDF reader, Default Previewer, Adobe reader etc.
- Enjoy!
Download procedure for eBook bundles on Android
- Click view your order in your download email or click download on the link that appears on our website once order where completed.
- Click the download link and choose the right download location on your device, usually downloads folder
- Let the eBook download finish
- Go to the folder where you saved the file (usually downloads) and click on the zip file and select preview content or extract the zip file which is the eBook bundle
- If You extracted the zip file you can use google drive, adobe reader etc. to read the eBook’s.
- Enjoy!
How to transfer eBook’s from Mac or PC to iPhone/iPad
- You can connect a USB cable to your iPhone with a PC but you need firmware or software for your PC.
- You can open gmail on your PC in chrome or other web browser and create an email, attach the PDF eBook and send it to yourself. This way you can open it in gmail on your iPhone and read it there. This is probably the easiest option.
- You can install the iCloud software for windows. Here is a link to an apple tutorial
If you have windows 10 you can visit Microsoft store to download iCloud for windows. Upload the PDF eBook to iCould and access on your iPhone. - If you have a HP computer with Bluetooth you can install HP orbit software on your iPhone and PC and transfer with that software. Other PC models come with similar software to HP Orbit and you might have one available.
Apps for reading eBooks
- Default iPhone iOS apps such as: Files app or iBooks
- Third party apps such as: Chrome and Google Drive
- Adobe Acrobat reader, Click here for link to App store
If you need more support please contact us.
If you have exceed your download limit please contact us.
If you have exceed your download limit please contact us.