Lauren's words about the Go Fruit Yourself eBook lifestyle

Posted by The Banana Girl Team on

I hope I am not causing undue work for the person reading this, however, I do not have social media to attempt to contact Freelee and this was the only option on my table! I have been a raw vegan and then found the absolute bliss in a fruit diet. There is nothing anyone could sell me on--my experience on fruit tells all. It is my natural diet, I know this. It has not come without challenges, of course. There has been recent spirals into cooked vegan food and I remain grateful for the "falls" because it straightens how addicting food can be and how good fruit makes me feel. I will not and cannot touch animal products because I love them so much. I feel extremely connected to animals and all life and I know you do as well. I have followed you for 9 years on Youtube when I was 17 and I still see you with so much love! You have your way of spreading the message and it works. I've also seen how much you've grown spiritually since first viewing you as this has changed me. You not only have stuck with your message for so long, but you've also grown as a human SO much... Whatever you are doing works.

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