Self reported adverse side effects following injections
Below are some testimonials that where received on freelee's instagram regarding adverse side effects following injections (falsely marketed by media as "vaccine"). Testimonies for experience with Gardasil injection/inoculation and injections marketed for sars-coronavirus prevention. Profile names have been removed for the safety of contributors of testimony.
A member of the banana girl team had one family member experience adverse side effects following Gardasil injections. The main adverse symptom where narcolepsy (chronic sleep disorder characterized by overwhelming daytime drowsiness), mild postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome and joint disorder.
The number one issue with the studies done on safety is that vaccines in general (Gardasil included) where not tested against a control injection (eg. saline water) but they where tested against a injection without the modified de-weponised DNA but still with the other ingredients such as aluminium and lead but not limited to it. It is very likely the safety data would reveal an issue with Gardasil if it where compared in a double blind control study with saline water or other proper control substances.
The reader are also invited to have a look at the website, last month we had a look at VAERS relating to sars-coronavirus prevention and found 443 000 reports of adverse side effects in US. these a self reported and the real number is likely five fold according to statistical basics for self reported systems such as VAERS. Below is an excerpt of our search in the system with the query criteria in the bottom. bear in mind these results do not include "long term" adverse side effects which is unknown since not much time has passed yet.