my naked lucnhbox by freelee. bodyhair is Natural fuckboi repellent

Posted by Freelee The Banana Girl on

Although it's seldom, i still feel the pressure to conform in society, to shave my legs and underarms, to paint my face and look a certain way to others. This western self-obsession is a powerful dis-ease to shake. Some days i strut confidently, other days i pick at my insecurities, but everyday i move forward with strong purpose. I sometimes see that look of disgust from certain others at my hairy armpits and legs but i always remind myself - that person is NOT part of my tribe. Would i really want to spend my valuable time with someone who feels that way? About body hair? A person who thinks i'm disgusting as my natural self? Heck no! They can go fuck themselves. Free women remember, your body hair is a gift, it's protective and part of your being, but maybe best of all it's also a powerful natural fuckboi repellent.

Learn to love your bodyhair, yes including your leg hair in my new ebook My Naked Lunchbox. Take a read and change your life forever. 

Stay free.

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