In financial distress, no money, no worries you could still get the eBooks!

Posted by The Banana Girl Team on

If you are experiencing financial distress due to tyranical/authoritarian/unreasonable/inhuman/coercive govern-ment(al) we could swap eBooks for a simple service by you.

Please use our contact form and write what simple service you would like to exchange for eBook/s and we will consider your offer and/or suggest a possible service. Contact form

Service could be for example, creating an illustration. Any service that will help us in the advocacy to:

To end all forms of exploitation of non-human animals through education.
To educate humans about their species-specific frugivore diet.
To educate humans about living off grid in a food forest.
Inspire people to eat Durian :D

link to our mission statement

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fruit diet and teeth sugar sugar and teeth teeth

Sugar does NOT rot your teeth

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Sugar does not ROT your teeth. Sugar does NOT rot your teeth. Sugar is NOT acidic. You heard it here first. Sucrose or table sugar...

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Congratulations to Sage and Loreli!

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