Binge-free Me Recipe Ebook
About Binge-free Me:
Hi there, Freelee here.
I used to suffer from a serious binge-eating disorder. It was ruining my life. That was before I found a fruit-based and high carbohydrate diet. I've now been binge-free for 16 years! And I'm not going back. I also want to help you do the same so sharing my recovery story is crucial. That's why I dedicated 10 pages in this book to my story. I go right into the uncomfortable details about my past as a binge-eater. It was embarrassing painful behaviour that I had no idea was simply due to a lack of good nutrition. I've also included some testimonials from others who have overcome binge-eating and lost hundreds of LBS just by implementing my recommendations and eating meals like the ones in my "Binge-free Me" ebook.
I wanted the book to be really visual, inspiring and easy to follow so I included images of all ingredients for each of the 25 recipes. Many of the recipes have 10 photos per recipe and all have 4-8 detailed recipe steps. Each recipe also comes with a corresponding linked recipe video to ensure you are never lost during the creation process. I also added images in addition to text for the contents page and ensured the book is fully hyperlinked for ease of use.
There are 120 pages and 25 super-unique tasty plant-based recipes.
Meals that you will actually enjoy eating. I simply don't eat boring food and I don't expect you to either. I'm sure you haven't seen many like these. Most of the recipes took hours for me to formulate. There is no 'recipe-stuffing' in this book to fill it out for sale just quality recipes that you will actually be inspired to recreate. They all taste good, are healthy and easy to make. All ingredients are easy to find. Only one recipe includes an exotic ingredient (bread fruit) but I have also given an alternative to that.
Enjoy my recipes! I'm sure you will love them. Lettuce know what you think.
The proceeds also help Freelee and her partner Snowpea clean and rebuild their land after Cyclone Jasper hit in December 2023.
Please note: This is a digital product. It is not a physical book. It is an ebook and is non-refundable once downloaded.
This ebook is in the PDF format.
The latest edition.
No paper copy included.