My Naked Lunchbox ebook
The Most Controversial Cookbook ever Written!
-I don’t want to live in this ‘ world’ anymore... a world where shopping at the mall for useless shit is more popular than growing your own food. A world where women are born ugly and must be enhanced with makeup, painful fashion, ‘beauty’ treatments, and mutilating surgeries. A world where it’s normal to use and abuse other animals. A world where 9 businessmen own half the global wealth. No, i don’t need to know who trump is threatening this week on twitter, or the gruesome details of the latest school shooting. I’m not interested in who won dancing with the stars or who flopped on american idol. I couldn’t care less about justin bieber’s sexy selfie or taylor swift’s latest squeeze… so. much. noise. What the heck happened to us?! The truth, it seems, has been smothered by the lovely kim k’s ass.
Welcome sister, i wrote this book for hungry women, starving for change. women who not only crave tasty, nutritious food but also have a ravenous appetite to be their true self.
Inside you will find delicious ‘naked’ lunchboxes. Naked in the sense that they are free of chemical additives, junk food, and animal products that cause sickness in your body. It’s no accident that you have picked up this book. You are ready to hear the truth. If (like me) you are sick and tired of being force-fed the patriarchy’s poison and bullied into ‘beauty’ duty then this is the book for you.
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What is Included in My Naked Lunchbox by Freelee:
12 Day Unfuckyourlife Guide (12 Chapters)
60+ Vegan Lunchbox Recipe Images
12 Complete Vegan Lunchbox Recipes
My Personal Life Stories
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The ebook contains 242 pages and is in the PDF format.
ISBN: 1092770453
The latest edition.
No paper copy included.
No refunds.